Saturday, September 15, 2012

06.08.2012. St. Stephen's Cathedral.


Today: Stephensdom. While the cathedral definitely looks imposing, as Dr. O pointed out and I could tell from the models at the Wiener Museen, the Church used to absolutely tower over everything in older times, and it must have stood as a beacon around the countryside, not only helping people within the city place themselves, but also merchants climbing over distant hills could see the cathedral tower above all of nature and say to themselves 'ah! there lies civilization'. The tomb of Friedrich the Founder had a circle of helmets in the ceremonial fashion knights would mount on a lance to represent their kingdom. They were all sculpted into the marble lid of Friedrich II.
    The organs were incredible, I would love to hear an old organ played, I may come back for the next big ceremony. The cathedral is structured as one great hall where all can hear and see, worshipping together. We visited the catacombs and saw the jars that Habsburg entrails are still kept in. Unfortunately they were not labelled, and were quite plain. Were it not for our guide pointing them out who would have known what they contained. Odd for such an emblazoned monarchy to not want their entrails properly relished as well. The only instance of piety that I have seen.
    That night, we visited a bar recommended to us by a local, as he was playing a show there later. Myself, AJ, Cole, Jackie, Ryan, Morgan, Pilar, and others came out to see them, but had to be back in time for Jon's birthday, as one can never skip out on free cake. However, the musicians we did see excited me that in a small bar under the train tracks people are combining rap and jazz effortlessly. I did not understand the individual words of the rapper, but the overarching message of love and fraternity was easily felt. As the Austrians bellowed a cheer, I cheered with.

Something really cool: along the stairwell are 4-spoked and 3-spoked circles. The 4-spoked represent the elements of Earth, and are descending, while the 3-spoked represent the Holy Trinity, and are ascending. So much symbolism in the smallest of details.

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