Sunday, August 26, 2012


     I checked Amazon this morning and discovered that try though I had, the book by Parsons had not been ordered. The one I ordered back in the states finally arrived two days ago though, so I'm maving my parents send that over post-haste. A walking tour was scheduled for this morning, but it lasted a much shorter time than expected. My little pocket journal fell apart, so at the moment I am without capability to take effective notes as we walk. I have noticed most do not take down notes, however, and it leads me to think a handout would be handy (har), but that may also be too coddling of everyone.
     Following the tour, a sgroup of us headed for the flea market at the Naschmarkt. Some of the items sold there were a bit questionable. A couple people found Nazi propaganda magazines which I'm not even sure are legal to sell.
      After that, Jackie, Steven, Miles & I decided to run around Schönbrunn. That park is definitely more massive than I'd anticipated. I did not know Steven was in the ROTC, he did a good job keeping up. Parks are different here in the capital than in my hometown. Even large parks are primarily big squares of grass, but here there are labyrinths, trails, palaces, even a tiergarten which fit together seamlessly.
     That night everybody dressed up for Mozart's Requiem at my church (Karlskirche). I have not been to a true performance in about a year, and I'd forgotten how much I'd missed it. Sitting in the Karlskirche felt like I was being spoiled, every time I'd open my eyes (I prefer to listen with eyes closed), I would see the grand altar towering above everybody.
    We were to read the Beller yesterday, but luckily I'd already read that on the plane. That book moves ridiculously fast, I've never studied much on the outskirts of Roman territory, but that area has always fascinated me and I wish more time was spent on it. The edge of the known world. I had not known that the Magyars conquered so much land at one point. Every nation has its turn in the light.

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