Saturday, September 15, 2012

14.08.12. Day before the Alps

The last day before the Alps trip, our class was comprised mainly of discussing where we would need to meet up, and what we should bring with us. After class, a group of us hopped on a tram to explore the city. 
Each famous structure around the Ringstraße has a purpose behind its architecture. Parliament, for instance, was built to look like a Greek temple, with white stone pillars and sweeping staircases leading up to it, because Greece is associated with democracy. The Rathouse is neo-gothic, because the Gothic era is when individual cities had more power than the overarching government. The Operahouse held to a Renaissance Italy vibe, as that was the birthplace of the Opera.
Individually, each building is very impressive to behold. However, I have to agree with the Secessionists that that art style is a dead end. Further, each building is inefficient, using more space on the grandeur than on the actual function. Stylistically, to me (though I am no artist), I feel that on the individual level the buildings are not so bad, but as a reflection of the Gesamtkunstwerk of all buildings together, they are a dizzying hodgepodge. If every building of the Ringstraße had come from the same stylistic background - say, of Otto Wagner’s - then it would have elevated Vienna even further up on the list of the world’s cultural capitals. 
     One Biedermeier work that stands out to me is the Stadttempel. The Synagogue actually managed to survive the Nazis, the only one in Vienna to survive all of WWII, because it is directly connected to the surrounding buildings. Although it was Joseph II's edict that only Roman Catholic churches could have facades facing directly out to the public streets, it strikes me as very Biedermeier that the Stadttempel itself has to face away from the public eye. The building was done by Kornhäusel, and you can see from this picture how the inside is elegant, but without frills. Quite a leap from the Baroque era, it is simple, but maintains a quiet beauty.

German word of the Day: das Kostüm.
Für Halloween werde ich meine Lederhosen tragen. Meine Lederhosen werde das beste Kostüm im Santa Cruz sein.

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